Thursday, August 31, 2006

Brian Hyland | Sealed with a kiss

Thoug we gotta say goodbye for the summer,
Darling I promise you this
I'll send you all my love every day in a letter
Sealed with a kiss.......

Guess it's gonna be a cold lonely summer....
But I'll fill the emptiness
I'll send you all my love every day in a letter
Sealed with a kiss....

I'll see you in the sunlight
I'll hear your voice everywhere
I'll run to tenderly hold you
But darling you won't be there

I don't wanna say goodbye for the summer
Knowing the love we'll miss.
Oh let us make a pledge to meet in September
And seal it with a kiss......

Guess its gonna be a cold lonely summer
But I'll fill the emptiness
I'll send you all my love every day in a letter
Sealed with a kiss
Sealed with a kiss
Sealed with a kiss

Khách sạn ở Paris

Khách sạn ở Paris thường khá mắc. Đi du lịch Paris nếu tìm được khách sạn giá rẻ thì tiết kiệm được rất nhiều. Đây là một số thông tin về khách sạn giá mềm ở Paris

Centre International de Sejour a Paris : giá phòng rất rẻ và ở ngay quận 13, 12, có thể reserver rồi đến trả tiền sau.
Ở ngay quận 13 còn có Hotel Tolbiac

Nếu muốn tiện cho đi lại từ sân bay CDG và tiện cho đi chơi Paris, có thể thuê Hotel ngay khu Notre Dame de Paris (đi RER B thẳng từ sân bay CDG về) hay Opera (đi Air France bus từ CDG về thẳng Place de L´Opera). Có thể thuê những khách sạn sau:
Hotel du commerce gần Notre Dame
Hotel du Nil Paris ngay Place de l'Opera

Một vài hệ thống khách sạn giá mềm
Fomule 1

Monday, August 21, 2006

Liane Foly | Vivre

Les hommes sont prêts à tout
C'est normal après tout, on a qu'une vie
Moi j'ai brisé dans la mienne
Tout ce qui ressemblait aux chaînes de l'ennui

J'ai voulu tout prendre
Et j'ai rien pris
J'ai pas voulu attendre
Je suis partie

A qui tu vas faire croire
Que rentrer seul le soir
C'est ça la vie

Même si ceux qui rentrent à deux
Sont p't'être pas plus heureux
Dans leur lit

Moi, j'ai voulu tout prendre
Et j'ai rien pris
J'ai pas voulu apprendre
Mais j'ai appris

Vivre, vivre, vivre
C'est dur de vivre
D'aimer encore
Une âme, un corps
D'ouvrir son coeur
Et sentir la douleur

Au nom de vivre, vivre

Les hommes sont prêts à tout
Même à vivre à genoux
Pour oublier
Qu'un jour ce sera fini
Qu'un jour ce sera la nuit
A jamais

Moi j'ai voulu tout prendre
Et j'ai rien pris
J'ai pas voulu me vendre
J'ai payé le prix

Oh vivre, vivre, vivre
C'est dur de vivre
D'aimer encore
Une âme, un corps
D'ouvrir son coeur
Et sentir la douleur

Oh vivre, vivre

On peut dire de moi
Tout c'qu'on veut, c'qu'on voudra
Après tout ça m'est égal
Et quand on a tout vu
Tout donné, tout reçu
Y'a des soirs on ne peut plus, on ne peut plus

Oh vivre, vivre, vivre
C'est dur de vivre
D'aimer encore
Une âme, un corps
D'ouvrir son coeur
Et sentir la douleur

Au nom de vivre, vivre


Patrick Bruel | Je fais semblant

La photo de classe
Le sourire rose d’une fille qui me dépasse
Le p’tit air malin qui suit mes grimaces

La vie qui trace
Les souvenirs qui n’ont plus assez de place
Et les grands airs qui me font boire la tasse
Le temps qui passe

Je fais semblant
Je joue au grand
Je m’invente des papas
Des grands des forts à qui je ressemble pas
Mais qui me donnent la force de croire en moi

Je fais semblant
Je suis tremblant à l’idée qu’on ne m’aime pas
Je sers maman qui me prend dans ses bras
Je fais semblant que rien ne m’arrivera
Ne m’arrivera…

Premier frisson
On apprend la guitare sous l’édredon
Sa mère ne veut pas de moi c’est un peu con
Les nuits s’en vont
Et ma première histoire houle dans l’avion
Mais là on se mêle au Brésil de Milton
Première chanson

Je fais semblant
Je joue au mec à qui on ne l’a fait pas
Je suis absent, elle ne reviendra pas
J’embrasse des lèvres que je ne connais pas

Je fais semblant
Je prends ma voix sans vie à bout de bras
J’enfonce les portes où l’on veut bien de moi
Ca fait sourire
On dit qu’on me rappellera
On me rappelle pas

Et puis un jour
Des mains se tendent pour m’offrir de l’amour
Des voix s’unissent pour guider mes détours

Le monde autour
Ceux qui m’aiment
Les autres qui comptent les jours
Ceux qui me font espérer en toujours
Trop de monde autour

Je fais semblant
Je joue à croire que je mérite tout ça
Je suis tremblant
Ces gens sont là pour moi
Je leur raconte ma vie
Et il me voit

J’fais plus semblant
Je rends sa vie à ma voix à bout de bras
Celle que j’attends doit se cacher par là
Elle doit bien se cacher je ne la vois pas
Je ne la vois pas…

Le premier jour
Je me relève si on me pousse dans la cours
Je suis Thierry La Fronde, je gagne toujours
Et le temps court

Patrick Bruel | J'te mentirais

J'te mentirais
Si j'te disais qu' j'y ai pas pensé
Si j'te disais qu' j'ai pas voulu Retenir le nom de sa rue
Si j'te disais,
Mon amour, que j'ai rien senti,
Rien entendu de ces non-dits
Qu'à ses silences, j'ai pas souri
J'te mentirais J'te mentirais

Vite, je tombe Est-ce que tu m' regarderas ?
Est-ce que tu seras en bas Pour m'emmener là où je n' sais pas
Là où je n' vais pas ?
Alors, vite, je tombe Comme un pantin sans fil
Trop libre et trop fragile
Je cherche ta main dans les nuages Pour chasser son image

J'te mentirais Si j'te disais au fond des yeux
Que tes larmes ont tort de couler Que cette fille ne fait que passer
J'te mentirais Et pourtant moi, j' me suis menti
De nous croire tellement à l'abri
De nous voir plus fort que la vie
Mais ces choses-là On ne les sait pas

Vite, je tombe Est-ce que tu seras en bas ?
Est-ce que tu m'attendras Pour m'emmener là où je n' sais pas,
Pour me ramener vers toi ?
Alors, vite, je tombe comme un pantin sans fil
Notre histoire qui défile
Je cherche ta main dans les nuages Pour pas tourner la page

J'te mentirais Mais à qui d'autre pourrais-je le dire
Sans cette fois vraiment te trahir ? Le silence est parfois pire

Vite, je tombe Est-ce que tu seras en bas ?
Est-ce que tu m'ramasseras Pour m'emmener là où je n' sais pas,
Pour me rammener vers toi ?
Alors, vite, je tombe Comme un oiseau voleur
Touché là, en plein cœur Et qui se demande encore pourquoi
Il est passé par là.

Patrick Bruel | Pour la vie

On est partis c'était fin juin
On s'est embrassé serré la main
Un pour tous et tous pour un
Et puis chacun a pris son train
On avait tous aussi peur
On s'est juré la main sur l'cœur
Qu'on s'reverrait avant dix ans
On s'est revus et maintenant
De temps en temps on s'invite
Même si souvent on s'évite
On s'dit bien sûr j'm'en souviens
Mais on s'rappelle de moins en moins
Ça nous a pas rendus amers
On sait bien qu'on peut rien n'y faire

C'est la vie, c'est la vie,
C'est la vie qui nous change
Et qui dérange
Toutes nos grandes idées sur tout
C'est la vie, c'est la vie,
C'est la vie qui décide
Qui nous file des rides
Au coin des yeux et du cœur
A quoi ça sert d'aller contre
On perd son temps
Et quand on r'garde nos montres
Tout à coup on comprend
Y 'en a qui ont fait des enfants
Y 'en a d'autres qui ont dit j'attends
On a tous aimé les femmes
On s'est tous trouvés du charme
On est tous devenus quelqu'un
Dans son quartier ou plus loin
Bien sûr on s'est perdus de vue
Mais on n'appelle pas ça perdu
On s'est traités de tous les noms
On s'est tombés dans les bras
On n'a pas osé dire non
On a dit oui quand fallait pas
Ça nous a pas empêchés
De continuer à s'aimer

Pour la vie, pour la vie
Pour la vie qui nous change
Et qui dérange
Toutes nos p'tites idées sur tout
Pour la vie, pour la vie,
Pour la vie qui décide
Qui nous file des rides
Au coin des yeux et du cœur
Pas besoin de faire semblant
Ça sert à rien
Chaque jour qui passe on apprend
Qu'on peut jouer sans être comédien
A quoi ça sert d'aller contre
Ça sert à rien
Chaque jour qui passe on apprend
Qu'on suit tous le même chemin

Friday, August 18, 2006

Knowledge | Special Relativity

Tôi bắt đầu lọat bài đi tìm hiểu lại về Thuyết Tương Đối của Einstein. Hồi năm 1 đại học, tôi tự cho là mình hiểu và tôi đã từng có những ví dụ rất thuyết phục (chính tôi) để chứng tỏ sự hiểu biết đó. Lâu lắm rối tôi không tự hỏi về Thuyết Tương Đối nữa, có lẽ do chắc mẩm là mình hiểu rồi. Đến bây giờ, sau 12 năm, tự nhiên tình cờ nghĩ về Thuyết Tương Đối, tôi chợt nhận ra là mình chưa hiểu gì hết. Tôi bắt đầu đi tìm hiểu lại Thuyết Tương Đối, đơn giản nhất là từ Google.

Tôi biết có 2 Thuyết Tương Đối theo cách dịch ở Việt Nam: Thuyết Tương Đối hẹp (Special Relativity) và Thuyết Tương Đối Rộng (General Relativity).

Tôi bắt đầu với Special Relatvity

Một cái link từ University Stanford nói về Special relativity rất thú vị.

Newton's laws of motion give us a complete description of the behavior moving objects at low speeds. The laws are different at speeds reached by the particles at SLAC (Stanford Linear Accelerator Center)

Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity describes the motion of particles moving at close to the speed of light. In fact, it gives the correct laws of motion for any particle. This doesn't mean Newton was wrong, his equations are contained within the relativistic equations. Newton's "laws" provide a very good approximate form, valid when v is much less than c. For particles moving at slow speeds (very much less than the speed of light), the differences between Einstein's laws of motion and those derived by Newton are tiny. That's why relativity doesn't play a large role in everyday life. Einstein's theory supercedes Newton's, but Newton's theory provides a very good approximation for objects moving at everyday speeds.

Einstein's theory is now very well established as the correct description of motion of relativistic objects, that is those traveling at a significant fraction of the speed of light.

Because most of us have little experience with objects moving at speeds near the speed of light, Einstein's predictions may seem strange. However, many years of high energy physics experiments have thoroughly tested Einstein's theory and shown that it fits all results to date.

t1theory.gif (1444 bytes)

Theoretical Basis for Special Relativity

Einstein's theory of special relativity results from two statements -- the two basic postulates of special relativity:

  1. The speed of light is the same for all observers, no matter what their relative speeds.
  2. The laws of physics are the same in any inertial (that is, non-accelerated) frame of reference. This means that the laws of physics observed by a hypothetical observer traveling with a relativistic particle must be the same as those observed by an observer who is stationary in the laboratory.

Given these two statements, Einstein showed how definitions of momentum and energy must be refined and how quantities such as length and time must change from one observer to another in order to get consistent results for physical quantities such as particle half-life. To decide whether his postulates are a correct theory of nature, physicists test whether the predictions of Einstein's theory match observations. Indeed many such tests have been made -- and the answers Einstein gave are right every time!

theory-bullet.gif (1023 bytes)The Speed of Light is the same for all observers.

The first postulate -- the speed of light will be seen to be the same relative to any observer, independent of the motion of the observer -- is the crucial idea that led Einstein to formulate his theory. It means we can define a quantity c, the speed of light, which is a fundamental constant of nature.

Note that this is quite different from the motion of ordinary, massive objects. If I am driving down the freeway at 50 miles per hour relative to the road, a car traveling in the same direction at 55 mph has a speed of only 5 mph relative to me, while a car coming in the opposite direction at 55 mph approaches me at a rate of 105 mph. Their speed relative to me depends on my motion as well as on theirs.

theory-bullet.gif (1023 bytes)Physics is the same for all inertial observers.

This second postulate is really a basic though unspoken assumption in all of science -- the idea that we can formulate rules of nature which do not depend on our particular observing situation. This does not mean that things behave in the same way on the earth and in space, e.g. an observer at the surface of the earth is affected by the earth's gravity, but it does mean that the effect of a force on an object is the same independent of what causes the force and also of where the object is or what its speed is.

Einstein developed a theory of motion that could consistently contain both the same speed of light for any observer and the familiar addition of velocities described above for slow-moving objects. This is called the special theory of relativity, since it deals with the relative motions of objects.

Note that Einstein's General Theory of Relativity is a separate theory about a very different topic -- the effects of gravity.


Còn tiếp...

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Kräftor (Swedish Crawfish)

Crayfish, sometimes called crawfish, crawdads, mudbugs, or yabbies, are fresh-water crustaceans resembling small lobsters, to which they are closely related. They have five pairs of legs with the front pair having a set of claws.

Crayfish is a popular dish in Sweden, which by tradition primarily is consumed during the fishing season in August. The catch of domestic fresh water crayfish, and even of an implanted American species is very limited and to satisfy demand the majority of what is consumed has to be imported. Sales depended on imports from Turkey for several decades, but after a decline in supply China and the United States are today the biggest sources of import. On the western coast of Sweden, many tend to prefer the larger salt water crayfish, which is caught in the North Sea.

Src: Webster-Online


Smörgåstårta ("sandwich cake") is a Swedish dish. It is a kind of sandwich with so much filling that it more resembles a cake than a sandwich.

The smörgåstårta is normally made up of several layers of bread with creamy fillings in between. The kind of fillings and toppings used varies, but the most common ones are egg, mayonnaise, prawns, caviar and liver paté.

It is normally served cold and sliced like a dessert cake.

Src: Wiki


The word smörgås means something like "open sandwich", and bord is the Swedish word for "table", but still a smörgåsbord is not a table full of sandwiches. This specialty instead consists of a number of small dishes, from which you can take your pick.

A traditional Swedish smörgåsbord consists of both hot and cold dishes. An average smörgåsbord may, for instance, contain a number of herring dishes (sweet-pickled herring, pickled herring with onions, mustard, dill, etc.), Swedish meatballs, salmon, pies, salads, 'Jansson´s temptation' (sliced herring, potatoes and onions baked in cream), eggs, bread, boiled and fried potatoes and so on.

Smörgåsbord was served already in the18th century but at that time it was used as an appetizer before the main course. Gradually, however, it has become a meal in itself. Today few people ask for more after having tried everything on a smörgåsbord.

Src: Sverigeturism

James Blunt | Cry

I have seen peace. I have seen pain,
Resting on the shoulders of your name.
Do you see the truth through all their lies?
Do you see the world through troubled eyes?
And if you want to talk about it anymore,
Lie here on the floor and cry on my shoulder,
I'm a friend.

I have seen birth. I have seen death.
Lived to see a lover's final breath (hold on)
Do you see my guilt? Should I feel fright?
Is the fire of hesitation burning bright?
And if you want to talk about it once again,
On you I depend. I'll cry on your shoulder.
You're a friend.

You and I have lived through many things.
I'll hold on to your heart.
I wouldn't cry for anything,
But don't go tearing your life apart.

I have seen fear. I have seen faith.
Seen the look of anger on your face.
And if you want to talk about what will be,
Come and sit with me, and cry on my shoulder,
I'm a friend.
And if you want to talk about it anymore,
Lie here on the floor and cry on my shoulder once again, cry on my shoulder,
I'm a friend.

Daniel Powter | Bad Day

Where is the moment when we need it the most
You kick up the leaves and the magic is lost
They tell me your blue sky's faded to grey
They tell me your passion's gone away
And I don't need no carrying on

You stand in the line just to hit a new low
You're faking a smile with the coffee to go
You tell me your life's been way off line
You're falling to pieces every time
And I don't need no carrying on

Cause you had a bad day
You're taking one down
You sing a sad song just to turn it around
You say you don't know
You tell me don't lie
You work at a smile and you go for a ride
You had a bad day
The camera don't lie
You're coming back down and you really don't mind
You had a bad day
You had a bad day

Well you need a blue sky holiday
The point is they laugh at what you say
And I don't need no carrying on

You had a bad day
You're taking one down
You sing a sad song just to turn it around
You say you don't know
You tell me don't lie
You work at a smile and you go for a ride
You had a bad day
The camera don't lie
You're coming back down and you really don't mind
You had a bad day
You had a bad day

Sometimes the system goes on the blink and the whole thing it turns out
You might not make it back and you know that you could be well oh that
Well I'm not wrong

So where is the passion when you need it the most
Oh you and I
You kick up the leaves and the magic is lost

Cause you had a bad day
You're taking one down
You sing a sad song just to turn it around
You say you don't know
You tell me don't lie
You work at a smile and you go for a ride
You had a bad day
You see what you like
And how does it feel, one more time
You had a bad day
You had a bad day
You had a bad day

Coldplay | What If?

What if there was no light?
Nothing wrong, nothing right?
What if there was no time?
And no reason or rhyme?
What if you should decide?
That you don't want me there by your side?
That you don't want me there in your life?

What if I got it wrong?
And no poem or song?
Could put right what I got wrong?
Or make you feel I belong?
What if you should decide?
That you don't want me there by your side?
That you don't want me there in your life?

Oooh, that's right
Let's take a breath and jump over the side
Oooh, that's right
How can you know me if you don't even try
Oooh, that's right

Every step that you take
Can be your biggest mistake
It could bend or it could break
But that's the risk that you take
What if you should decide?
That you don't want me there in your life?
That you don't want me there by your side?

Oooh, that's right
Let's take a breath jump over the side
Oooh, that's right
How can you know me if you don't even try
Oooh, that's right

Oooh, that's right
Let's take a breath jump over the side
Oooh, that's right
You know that darkness always turns into light
Oooh, that's right.

Queen | Love of My Life

Love of my life,
You hurt me,
You broken my heart,
Now you leave me

Love of my life can't you see,
Bring it back bring it back,
Don't take it away from me,
Because you don't know what it means to me

Love of my life don't leave me,
You've stolen my love you now desert me,

Love of my life can't you see,
Bring it back bring it back,
Don't take it away from me,
Because you don't know what it means to me

You will remember when this is blown over,
And everything's all by the way,
When I grow older,
I will be there at your side,
To remind how I still love you
I still love you
I still love you

Hurry back hurry back,
Don't take it away from me,
Because you don't know what it means to me

Love of my life,
Love of my life

Coldplay | Fix You

When you try your best but you don't succeed
When you get what you want but not what you need
When you feel so tired but you can't sleep
Stuck in reverse

When the tears come streaming down your face
When you lose something you can't replace
When you love someone but it goes to waste
could it be worse?

Lights will guide you home
and ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you

High up above or down below
when you're too in love to let it go
If you never try you'll never know
Just what you're worth

Lights will guide you home
and ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you

Tears stream down your face
When you lose something you cannot replace
Tears stream down your face and I

Tears stream down your face
I promise you I will learn from my mistakes
Tears stream down your face and I

Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you